Saturday, April 4, 2009

May Update

We're barely into April. But there's so much going on we need a May update to keep track of TangoSpace movements. JRDA have announced that Mario and Anabella will be visiting Perth from the 6th to the 12th May 2009. So, once again TangoSpace will be moving its monthly mini-milonga to the third Saturday in May which will be the 16th. We will be attending workshops, private lessons and performances so we are going to be way too occupied while Mario and Anabella are here. 2009 seems to be a busy year and we thank you for your patience in following our seemingly ever-changing schedule. June will also see us reorganising times and events so stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

1 comment:

Angelina Tanguera said...

Hi - I have just found your blog! Great to be able to read news about what is happening on the other side of Oz. Will follow so I can keep up to date for the TangoAustralia newsletter, but any time you want to send me info please do.